Our contact person is Emilie Nelson, who responds to our email at and our phone number at 912-832-3891 within two business days. We do not have a full-time person answering, so please leave a message.
CPHOA address is PO Box 303, Townsend, GA, 31331. Payments can be sent to that address.
PLEASE make sure you add to your contacts. Emails are sent to the entire community and might go to your spam if not set up correctly.
Gate keys: New owners receive two complimentary gate cards. To obtain a new gate card or gate remote, you can contact Emilie. Additional gate cards are $25 and remotes are $50. This will be billed to your account.
Violations: Should you witness a violation, please refer to the Covenant Violation Procedures (HERE) and the Covenant Violation Report (HERE).
You will find our bylaws, covenants, a site plan, and other important information on our Coopers Point website. Once you are an owner, Emilie will give you the password to enter the Owner HOA section of the website. https://www.cooperspoint.org/
Boats at our community dock need to be registered and are allowed to dock for 14 days, at which time they must be moved. After five days, boats may register to dock again. Please get in touch with Emilie for a permit.
Golf carts need to be registered in the community. Please contact Emilie to obtain a form and receive a decal for your cart.
Pool hours are April 1st to November 1st, 7:30 AM to 9 PM. If changes are made, emails are sent to all.
The Riverhouse and Pool Pavilion are available to use for private functions. Please get in touch with Emilie to reserve. There is a housekeeping charge. Our website has an Events Calendar that you can check for availability.
All Lot Owners are required to pay a Water Utility Line fee of $60 per year. Please see Water Utility Management for more information: Water Utility Management
Monthly Association meetings are usually on the 3rd Monday of the month at 5 PM. We will do our best to get an email to the community if that changes.